and creative entreprenuers

+ 60+ page PDF breaking down every.single.step. you need to know from a keyword glossary to website hosting to Google Analytics.

+ How to utilize each aspect of SEO

+ How to track your progress and implement improvements

+ Frequent SEO mistakes and how to avoid them

+ FAQ's


product features

+ Over two hour video watching a website be both designed and SEO optimized on ShowIt

+ How to work on the backend of your website to optimize SEO

+ How to optimize your home page (alongside the homepage template in the PDF!) to make sure you're converting

+ and much, much, more..


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Are you a talented photographer, a creative wedding professional, or an aspiring artist who pours your heart and soul into your craft?

Do you find yourself frustrated by the never-ending struggle to stand out and attract the right clients on Instagram and other social media platforms?

It's time to take control of your online presence and harness the power of SEO for timeless growth and marketing. 


Imagine a world where potential clients effortlessly discover your stunning work with just a simple search. Picture yourself confidently navigating the digital landscape, armed with proven strategies that not only amplify your visibility but also capture the essence of your unique artistic vision.

Easy, peasy, blueprint.

now clients can find you while you're resting


now clients can find you while you're hosting

now clients can find you while you're traveling

Unveiling the Secrets of SEO: Say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed by complex algorithms and vague advice. Our course delves deep into the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), breaking it down into simple, actionable steps that anyone can follow. We'll guide you through each stage, from optimizing your website structure to keyword research and creating compelling content that engages your audience.

Don't let frustration and uncertainty hold you back any longer. It's time to make your mark in the digital world and attract the clients you've always dreamed of. Here's a breakdown of what you can expect...